Studied Relevant Courses During PG & Rrsearch.

  • Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Ph. D IIT, Bombay.
  • Indian Logic
  • Ph. D IIT, Bombay.
  • Contamprory Indian Philosophy
  • Ph. D IIT, Bombay.
  • Philosophy of Language
  • Ph. D IIT, Bombay.
  • Indian Pilosophy
  • Ph. D IIT, Bombay.
  • Jyotisha
  • Aachaarya Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan.
  • Sahitya
  • Aachaarya Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan.
  • Indian Model of Philosophical Analysis.
  • M. Phil JNU, New Delhi.
  • Sāhitya Śāstra Literary Theory and Critic.
  • M. Phil JNU, New Delhi.
  • Social Thought in Sanskrit.
  • M. Phil JNU, New Delhi.
  • Sanskrit Literature-I Drama and Prose.
  • M. Phil -I
    JNU, New Delhi
  • Aṣṭādhyāyī.
  • MA -I JNU, New Delhi.
  • Mastering Sanskrit Language-1.
  • MA -I JNU, New Delhi.
  • Computer Awareness.
  • MA -I JNU, New Delhi.
  • Sanskrit Literature-I Drama and Prose.
  • MA -I
    JNU, New Delhi
  • Saṁkhya-Yoga.
  • MA -I JNU, New Delhi.
  • DharmaŚāstra.
  • MA-I JNU, New Delhi.
  • Mīmāṁsā..
  • MA-II JNU, New Delhi.
  • Language Thought and Reality.
  • MA-II JNU, New Delhi.
  • Text of Literary Theory.
  • MA-II JNU, New Delhi.
  • Vedānta and Pratyabhijñā.
  • MA-II JNU, New Delhi.
  • Mastering Sanskrit Language-2.
  • MA-II JNU, New Delhi.
  • Computer Application for Sanskrit.
  • MA-III JNU, New Delhi.
  • Text and Interpretation.
  • MA-III JNU, New Delhi.
  • Indian Intellectual Tradition.
  • MA-III JNU, New Delhi.
  • Navya Nyaya Language and Methodology.
  • MA -III JNU, New Delhi.
  • Sanskrit Literature II (Poetry).
  • MA -III JNU, New Delhi.
  • Pali Prakrita Language and Literature.
  • MA -III JNU, New Delhi.
  • Mastering Sanskrit Language-3.
  • MA -III JNU, New Delhi.
  • India Philosophical System.
  • MA -IV JNU, New Delhi.
  • Sanskrit Philosophy of Language.
  • MA -IV JNU, New Delhi.
  • Sanskrit Linguistic Tradition.
  • MA -IV JNU, New Delhi.
  • Structure and History of Sanskrit Language.
  • MA-IV JNU, New Delhi.
  • Sanskrit Philosophy of Language.
  • MA-IV JNU, New Delhi.
  • Mastering Sanskrit Language-4.
  • MA -IV JNU, New Delhi.
  • Aesthetics.
  • MA -4 JNU, New Delhi.
  • Sanskrit, Philos,[ Ancient History].
  • BA JNU, New Delhi.